Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Vote? WTF

 Those of us waking up to the capitalist empire and the sham any government embracing capitalism has become cannot in good conscience vote for either of the empire managers the banking systems have put in place. 

Our choices:

Biden = WWIII
Trump = Civil War

WWIII spells the doom of all humans on this planet.

Civil War destroys the US of Ameriakkka but leaves intact most of the rest of the world. 

I choose saving the rest of the world instead of a Scorched Earth scenario. I actually will be voting my conscience with Jill Stein. I cannot vote for a Capitalist Puppet. Good luck with your Lesser of two evils, because you really don't know how evil that "lesser" really is. You have been blinded by propaganda starting with your first foray into a public school classroom and probably by blinded parents who knew no different because they have been subjected to lies and deceptions of the public education systems, aka Propaganda Indoctrination Centers, as well. 

The one subject they have effectively erased from the curriculum to make sure you never have the tools to oppose their pap is "Critical Thinking". You cannot get that until you get to college, and by then most of your opinions have already been formed, often by illogical "belief" systems. Get a clue, the Empire "Owners" don't want an educated in thought populace. That would be too hard to control. No, they have religion to put blinders on people. Whether it be Zionism or Nationalism, they have you by the gonads.

Sunday, May 26, 2024 Leaderboard

 Most obscure artists... calls me "Underground" for Martin Best Medieval Ensemble... LOL

And then on the Leaderboard, I'm first in the number of Scrobbles compared to my friends on

So, here I am ripping CD's this week that we bought from groups we've seen and I hit all the top scores. I am a bit surprised that my friend in Brazil is ahead of me in the most obscure since many of the groups I've been adding to my library are only "Portland, Oregon USA" groups. But then I also see that many of my plays are not scrobbled to and I'm not sure why. Mainstream albums are, but the local productions are not always, even when they have a barcode uniquely identifying them. probably has a database that screens scrobbles to only those they know about. Also, some of the music store promo discs are not scrobbled. 

So, is not really a true measure of the music you've been playing, but better than no measurements.